Munchis Terrors is a 2D Platformer Game in which you have to help Munchi the vampire go back to his Castle before his Torch run out.
We are Team Schnecke Uebelst Schnell. A German Development team at the School 4 Games
We are Game Developers, Game Artists and Game Programmer Students who are starting in the Gaming Industrie.
We are Team Schnecke Uebelst Schnell!.
I think the Game its fun to play, and the theme is Hilarious!
Juan Pablo Amador Steinbach, Team Leader / Producer.
Its Fun making the levels hard enough! *Please Rage Quiting*
Lisa Irmer, Level Designer.
It was so fun making the UI assets for the game, making the animations of Munchi was really fun too!
Beverly Legierski, Artist.
The game was hard to code, so better play it!
Marcel Usslar, Programmer.
If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, please feel free to send us a message.
S4G School for Games GmbH
Team Schnecke Ueblest Schnell
Gubener Straße 47
10243 Berlin
+49 30 96595244